People may tell you all the time that you should write a book. However, you realize you're never going to get around to doing it. Many would-be-authors solve this issue by hiring a ghostwriter.
A ghostwriter can bring that book you've dreamed of writing for years to life. In a contract with a ghostwriter, they are referred to as the ghostwriter of the work and you, (the client) are named as the author of the work. Your name, (the client) goes on the business book and or the memoir and inside the book along with your copyright information.
For hours upon hours a day, usually for seven days a week, writers sit at a computer and type away creating a book from a blank Microsoft Word or Scrivener page. This is what writers do. They are driven to do this. Most people aren't. Taking on a lot of extra work that takes long hours is often the last thing people want to commit to.
Learning to write at the level of a professionally published author takes a lot of studying and learning. Writers spend years honing their craft with classes, workshops, reading articles and books on writing and books in their genre. Authors also learn writing by doing a lot of writing, whereas the typical person who wants to author a business book or memoir has never written anything that is 80,000, 40,000, or even 20,000 words long or close to it.
However, drawing on their experience and thorough knowledge of the craft of writing a ghostwriter can finish a book a novel-length book in six months, sometimes less. It can easily take 500 plus hours to write a book but by supplying the information a ghostwriter needs, including your two revisions of their work, typically only requires 10 to 30 hours of your time.
Where to Find Ghostwriters
Where to Find Ghostwriters
Two excellent sources for great ghostwriters are:
· LinkedIn
This is a perfect place to run a general search for a ghostwriter. Many offer a free consultation and also be sure to ask for samples of their writing.
This is a perfect place to run a general search for a ghostwriter. Many offer a free consultation and also be sure to ask for samples of their writing.
· American Association of Ghostwriters
Among their many members, you can find experienced ghostwriters with expertise in your area who are ready to assist you in completing a book, article, blog post, speech, report, or whatever you're working on.
Among their many members, you can find experienced ghostwriters with expertise in your area who are ready to assist you in completing a book, article, blog post, speech, report, or whatever you're working on.
Keep in mind that a ghostwriter contract only involves delivering a manuscript, nothing else. Once the ghostwriter completes the draft with the number of agreed-upon revisions their part in your book project is done. You then need to hire an editor. When that step is complete you need to decide if you want to submit your book for publishing or indie publish it by yourself directly on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Nobles, and Apple. Whether you chose traditional publishing or indie publishing there are additional steps to take. Depending on which direction you go, some of these steps include formatting, cover art design, getting a copyright, buying an ISBN, writing a query letter, a blurb, and a book synopsis. The last, but ongoing, step is to market your book.
Sometimes your ghostwriter can assist you in these endeavors for an additional fee or recommend the people that they use for these services for the books they write under their own name.
In conclusion, ghostwriting is more popular than ever. And, the number one reason most people hire a ghostwriter is they've wanted to create a book for years but know that they just aren't going to do it on their own. Many find that employing a ghostwriter is the best option for making the book they've dreamed of a reality.
In conclusion, ghostwriting is more popular than ever. And, the number one reason most people hire a ghostwriter is they've wanted to create a book for years but know that they just aren't going to do it on their own. Many find that employing a ghostwriter is the best option for making the book they've dreamed of a reality.
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